Case Studies

Multimedia Services for IMF Online Learning


An organization of 190 countries, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Online Learning Program (OLP) provides training to member country officials on topics spanning macroeconomic analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, financial markets, and institutions Its goal is to strength the technical knowledge and expertise in government agencies with a view to developing and implementing sound economic and financial policies fostering stability and growth.

In 2021, IMF decided to expand the volume of training available to member country officials while also sharing knowledge with a wider audience through free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The courses are offered on edX and designed as a combination of videos, readings, graphics, and interactive exercises and assessments. The program consists of 6-12 edX courses per year over the course of 5 years. An average course is typically 6-8 modules long; each module contains approximately 10 three-to-four-minute videos. In addition, the OLP planned to produce approximately 100 two-to-three-minute microlearning videos for its Learning Channel.



After a comprehensive selection process, IMF awarded TriVision the contract to provide graphic design and video production/post-production services for its online learning products. What set TriVision apart from other firms was being an all-in-one, creative marketing company with extended experience in handling both graphic design and video production services for a range of government, financial and non-profit agencies.

All the tasks have been performed in consultation with the client, instructional designers, subject matter experts, communication specialists, and others as needed. TriVision’s in-house graphic designers and production professionals are tasked to perform the following:

Graphic Design Services
Conceptualizing, developing, and delivering high-quality and engaging visual graphic designs and layouts (i.e. icons, infographics, charts, illustrations, presentations, templates) for IMF Online Learning products.

Creating visual storyboards and graphics for video production in consultation with instructional designers and subject matter experts. Videos include instructional or for promotional purposes. Video graphics for other web-based adaptations.

Video Production
Producing engaging videos in a variety of formats, including voice-overs, animations, talking heads, and interviews, in consultation with the client.

Delivering all final videos and motion graphics, including source files in a timely and organized manner that meets IMF and OLP’s standard, branding and style guidelines.

With our combined experiences and collaborative approach, TriVision has been able to produce IMF products greater than the sum of our parts in both quality and efficiency. Given our vast experience in branding and creative services, we have had no issue ensuring quality control, consistency, and compliance with the IMF OLP branding and style guidelines. As a full-service creative marketing company equipped with our own studio, video production capabilities and professional staff, we have been a powerhouse in serving IMF the value and high-quality products they were looking for and look forward to continually working with them.

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