Case Studies

Multimedia Services for an Award-Winning Healthcare Technology Company


TriVision’s relationship with the founders of Healthcare Technologies and Methods (HTM), Alan and Stephanie Letzt, began over 20 years when we first provided marketing and video production services for their patented long-term care technology, AccuNurse System, awarded by NIH. Subsequently, the founders established HTM which developed the patented TELLYHealth. HTM aims to address hearing healthcare and chronic disease management. The cornerstone of HTM is its expertise in older adult education, health literacy, patient-provider communication, and patient-centered care.

In 2020, with the support of $4 million in NIA-SBIR grants, HTM’s talented interdisciplinary team developed an interactive patient care platform, TELLYHealth™, the customizable hearing healthcare application they named Maudey, and Maudey’s curated content. Maudey was conceived to enhance patient-centered care from the initial hearing aid fitting through the trial period and beyond.


Marketing Consultation & Strategy for HTM and its Sub-Brands

Branding and Logo Design Services

Production of 30+ Educational / Marketing for Maudey Hearing Aid Technology

Platform Interface Graphic Elements and Icons

NIH Health Training Video Production Filmed In-Studio and On-Location

Graphic Design Services for PPT Presentations

TELLYHealth™ Hearing Aid Video Production Series (20+ Videos)

Video Editing Services


As HTM’s creative marketing partner for many years, it only made sense for the founders to turn to TriVision for help in launching their latest product, Maudey, which is the name of the hearing aid application of the TELLYHealth™ platform. Maudey, derived from: “m” for mobile, “aud” for audiology, and the personification of the system’s user-friendly technology empowers patients and guides them along their hearing aid journey. Aside from branding, TriVision also delivered graphic design, strategic messaging, and video production for HTM and its sub-brands. This included a series of educational/training videos and infographics to increase awareness and convey the technologies’ benefits and usage. In a past collaboration, we also produced a series of training videos for the TELLYHealth™ hearing aid platform, which was part of a grant HTM had received from NIH.

After six months of closely working with the TELLYHealth™ team, TriVision was able to successfully roll out the Maudey brand, allowing patients to have a more simplified and enriched hearing aid journey. Through strategic messaging and powerful visual communications that resonated easily with their target audience of older adults, we were able to build brand awareness and credibility for Maudey as an innovative, personalized application that enhances patient-centered care. Using Maudey in the NIH clinical trials, it was clear the Maudey videos helped patients better understand and ask more pointed questions to help them achieve their personal hearing aid goals. The videos and infographics we produced were very helpful in training the patients in using the technology from the convenience of their own home, 24/7, and enabled them to resolve their hearing aid problems faster and earlier in the newly streamlined process.

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