
Setting Smart Priorities

Ever wondered how to make 40 cold calls in a single day? How many cups of coffee describe your temperament? Or which emoji characters best represent you?

Ronnie G can help with that.

From here on out, our business development manager – Ronald – is here to answer all your questions. This week, we sat down with him to get his take on what it means to set smart priorities:

1. What is your method of organizing schedules? 

I first take all the things I need to get done and put them on wet paper towels.  I throw them against a wall and whatever sticks is what I do first. When that doesn’t work, I always remember the illustration of Rock, Pebble, Sand and Water.  You can’t get the big rocks in the jar if the pebbles, sand and water are in first.  You need to think before you act and make sure that you organizing the things that take the longest first.

2. How do you prioritize and schedule important tasks?

Important tasks do not always mean they take the longest.  Considering the analogy above, the important task might not be your first of the day.  However, again, no one should know your day better than you.  You have to use your head.  When is the task due? When does your manager want it done (because sometimes they want it before due date)?  At the same time, do not over think it.  Sometimes we get caught up in trying to line out tasks efficiently when we could spend that time actually doing the tasks. Sometimes it is best to list your tasks on a paper and go straight down the list.

3. What are mistakes people make when it comes to setting priorities?

Don’t think too hard. Sometimes it’s best to live by the Nike motto and Just Do It.

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