
The 3 Second Rule of Website Design

We’re all guilty of this: Going on to a website and then quickly hitting the back button because you didn’t like what you saw or the page didn’t load fast enough. The odds are stacked against you, and if they don’t like what they see, your visitors will leave within the first 3 seconds. So what should you do to make your visitors stick longer than 3 seconds? We’ve listed a few tips that can help.

1) Design

It’s important to have an attractive and cohesive website. Avoid colors that are too bright and hurt the eyes. There should be a clear color theme and any background images shouldn’t detract from the overall effect of your website.

2) Speed

You can’t control the broadband speed of the visitor, but you can make sure that your homepage load quickly. Avoid using large files that take long to load and optimize your graphics for fast loading times.

3) Call To Action

It’s important to have a call to action that is immediately clear to  . The less you ask of them, the more they will do what you want. For example, if you want people to sign up for a mailing list, just ask for an email. Even asking for a name risks losing people.

4) Navigation

It should be easy for any visitor to go through your website without feeling lost and confused. Your links should be in a logical order so that your visitors can easily follow.

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