
Raising Awareness on a Public Health Epidemic Through Video Marketing

Client Spotlight:  Finding the Missing Tuberculosis Cases in Uganda and Cambodia, a USAID Initiative

As the world is trying to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, we have to remember that the world’s deadliest infectious disease is actually something far more common, yet far less talked about: tuberculosis.

In January 2020, TriVision produced, filmed, and edited a series of videos on location in Uganda and Cambodia for our client USAID to raise awareness on the missing tuberculosis epidemic cases there, just in time for #WorldTBDay on March 24.

Our team was also responsible for script and content consultation and development, creative post-production, closed and open captioning, and translation.

Tuberculosis, or TB, remains one of the world’s 10 leading causes of death, killing over 4,000 people every day & 1.5 million every year. An estimated 10 million people fall ill with TB each year. Three million of these cases are not detected, diagnosed, or reported.

High TB burden countries like Uganda and Cambodia have implemented Active Case Finding (ACF) strategies with the help of USAID and its partners to identify and treat people with TB disease who would otherwise not have sought prompt medical care.

We are proud of our team for creating these videos to raise awareness on the fight to end a public health epidemic that impacts millions of people worldwide, yet gets far less media attention. Thank you USAID for providing this opportunity.

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